Digitizing our records

Telehealth Video Visits are a convenient option, which allows Beneficiaries to have an appointment with their Medical Provider in the comfort of their own home by using their mobile phone, tablet, or computer.

Televisits are secure and hassle-free! There is NO additional cost for a video visit for NHI Beneficiaries. They are a great option for patients who have mobility issues or for those who live on the Family Islands.

Contact your Provider to learn more.

The first step is to call and schedule a visit with your Provider

For many people today, televisits are a convenient and effective way to see their healthcare provider. Before beginning your televisit, make sure that you:

To begin your Televisit, follow these steps:

All Telehealth Visits or ‘Televisits’ are appointment only. Make sure you call your Provider to schedule a Telehealth appointment.

Arrive early to your appointment. If you are using a mobile phone, you will receive a text message with a secure link 30 minutes prior to your appointment (click here to find out how to join a Telehealth Video Visit from your mobile phone). If you are using a computer, find the secure email-link that was sent to you by your Provider’s office.

Click the link in the text message that you received if you are using a mobile phone OR click Join Televisit in your email reminder if you are using a computer.

Fill out any patient questionnaire, and provide requested personal information.

Click “Proceed” to check your computer’s speed and ability to support a TeleVisit. If your computer does not have a webcam (most do), you will need to attach one.

Click “Start TeleVisit” to enter the virtual waiting room.

Your physician will begin the face-to-face TeleVisit, and disconnect when the visit ends.

How to use Telehealth?

You can book a Telehealth Video Visit for new patient and follow-up visits by calling your Provider’s office and requesting an appointment. Please contact your assigned Provider or NHI Bahamas to find out how you can utilize Telehealth. You are still able to see your NHI Provider in person if you prefer. We encourage you to contact your assigned provider directly to get updates on hours of operation and available appointment times.

  • What is Telehealth?

    Telehealth is defined as any health related activity, such as a doctor’s visit, that is conducted over a distance using technology. Often Telehealth refers to a patient and physician being able to connect via video conferencing using their smart phones, tablets, or computers. Telehealth offers a means to improve access to NHI services for patients residing in the Family Islands or facing other geographic or mobility barriers.

  • What are the benefits of Telehealth?

    Convenience for Patients

    healow TeleVisits gives patients in-office quality without that trip to the office! Patients with a smartphone or computer and Internet access can meet their provider while at home, in the office, or traveling.

    Flexibility for Providers

    TeleVisits are fully integrated in the eClinicalWorks EMR. Providers can access all the same clinical tools available for any office visit, and enjoy greater flexibility in scheduling routine, follow-up, and check-in visits.

    Safe & Secure

    TeleVisits use existing equipment and webcams, and work with all browsers. Intelligent bandwidth management ensures stable and secure connections.

  • Is Telehealth secure?

    YES. Telehealth visits are only conducted using the private, secure videoconference platform that is part of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution. Only NHI Providers with the EHR solution can use Telehealth to connect with their beneficiaries. Protecting the privacy and security of health information is a top priority of the NHIA and NHI Providers. As always, the privacy of a beneficiary’s health information is closely protected.

  • What is the need for Telehealth?

    Telehealth addresses some of the geographic challenges faced by beneficiaries who live on the Family Islands or who have physical challenges getting to their physician’s office. This new method of delivering care ensures that Bahamians wishing to access to NHI services have the same high standard of care.

  • How will I access Telehealth?

    Beneficiaries are able to access Telehealth visits through the patient portal, a secure online database that gives patients access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. The patient portal contains a Telehealth video conference tool that will allow beneficiaries have a secure two-way video conference with their provider. Similarly, NHI Providers must access Telehealth through the EHR solution.

    The video conference tool is not available ‘on-demand’ for beneficiaries to connect with their providers; instead, a beneficiary must first make a Telehealth appointment with their Provider.

  • When will Telehealth roll-out/ implementation begin?

    Beginning in 2020, a small pilot will be undertaken to look at the feasibility and impact of telehealth, and if it is positive, telehealth will hopefully be rolled by 2021.

  • Can I still see my doctor in person?

    YES. A beneficiary always has the option of seeing their provider in person. Additionally, not all NHI Providers will choose to use Telehealth, so beneficiaries may or may not be provided with the option of using Telehealth to connect with their provider.

  • Is Telehealth appropriate for all medical conditions?

    Although telehealth can be used in a wide variety of situations, it is not always appropriate to use for all medical conditions or health concerns. For instance, if you are suffering from a health concern that requires urgent or emergent care you should go to the nearest/most appropriate health facility immediately.

    Additionally, if you feel you would have trouble communicating with your provider using Telehealth, it is recommended that you be seen in person instead.