Primary Care Providers

Primary Care Providers play a pivotal role in shaping a health care system that is modern, affordable, and accessible. Beneficiaries across the country are currently enrolling in NHI Bahamas and selecting their Primary Care Providers. Primary Care Facilities and Primary Care Providers must be registered with NHI Bahamas in order to provide services outlined in the NHI Primary Care Benefits Package.


These are some of the commonly asked questions by different provider groups that were raised during the provider consultation meetings.

  • Registration for Primary Care Provider physicians and laboratory services are now open. Facilities must register with NHI Bahamas in order to provide services. Please carefully review the step by step registration guide before you begin your application. You need to have all your documents and information ready before you begin the application for your facility. Once you begin the online application, you cannot save it and complete it at a later date.

Primary Care Facilities seeking registration under NHI Bahamas must complete and submit this application form.

Your Facility Administrator will be required to complete the application form online and verify that the information provided is true, complete, and accurate.

After the application is submitted, you will be contacted by the Provider Relations Department to review and discuss.

If you have any questions about the application form or registration process, please contact us at nhiproviderrelations@nhibahamas.gov.bs